Racetrack Read-A-Long

By resodev - December 16, 2024

Turbo Babies, fueled by JWB, celebrated National Read a Book Day by hosting three, simultaneous Racetrack Read Along Events at libraries across the County on September 6th.

The events drew dozens of families (Pit Crew!) to each location, where they not only enjoyed story time plus free books and breakfast but also face painting, a magician, and dance parties. Special guest Morris the Explorasaurus from Great Exploration Children’s Museum even led a bubbly conga line at the St. Pete Library.

If you have parents or caregivers of children 0 to 3 in your life, encourage them to visit TurboBabies.com and join the Pit Crew to be the first to know about future events to rev up baby’s learning!

Enjoy more photos from the events at our Facebook post.